Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in review and pictures... in no particular order.

January.... snow. 12 hour days... more snow...
February... giant gummy worms and gummy bears, nuff said...
Will have to add pictures later, I want to get this done before the year is up... lol
March: Blake Shelton AND Lady Antebellum (And Hunger Games!)
April: Pretty Sunset... good times at Easter in Oregon
May: VEGAS baby, with my best gal pal, Treeeeeee-na
June: Father's Day in Oregon
July: Hall of Fame day for the Mariners: Randy Johnson and Dan Wilson
August: Edmonton!
September: Puyallup Fair- Tim McGraw & annual local favorites: The Konzelman Family Band! (and announcing my new niece: Carleen Isabel Yolanda Minker, so grateful for sister friends that don't mind if you adopt their baby for your own... lol)
October: Successfully managed to avoid soda for the month.
November: Successfully completed my first NaNoWriMo... 3rd attempt...
December: Disneyland! & Pentatonix concert!!
Also... managed to not spend money at work in machines or snack room... but had to use the savings in July ... so did not manage to actually hold on to that $10 a month. Lost 15 pounds this year and currently sit at 220 for the first time in a long time... that's 10 pounds less than my weight watchers adventure several years ago. 2012 was great, I have no regrets at all.