It is that time of year again... time to set some goals to try and stick to and accomplish this year. I think I'm going to be able to do it and look forward to seeing the final outcome at the end of the year.
2012 goal 1: The principle seems quite honestly to be a "yeah, duh" moment but I struggle with it most of the time. EAT WHAT YOU HAVE... Which will involve menu planning and grocery shopping on Sundays. Sub goal "A" is to only spend $35 or less on groceries a week.
2012 goal 2: Revisiting again the goal of not putting any money into the vendng machines at work. That would be a minimum $10 into my spending money fund for vacations... (and works with my completion of goal one... if I didn't buy it while I was out shopping for the week then I don't need it , most likely... lol)
2012 goal 3: Me time... working on keeping goal 1 and 2 should help significantly with improving my diet and helping me lose weight. Making sure to take time for me will include exercise time, time to be creative with food or crafts ... reading time... writing time... and the all important monthly pedicures and massage... lol
2012 goal 4: Make at least 1 recipe a week from "the" cookbook of choice. I have a huge collection of cookbooks because I cannot resist them but rarely actually cook from them. and "the" cookbook of choice is.... 100 Recipes Every Woman Should Know....
2012 goal 5 : Last goal to work on... REGRET NOTHING! Spend the time I want to spend with people or travel or doing what I want to do... Wisely spend money on things I want to spend it on... Learn something every day - on occasion this will be learning from a mistake made the day before and not repeating it... all in all though... at the end of the year, I want to be happy with my choices and decisions and not have any regrets that I didn't cherish the precious moments or memories or didn't get to do something...
Week one wrap up... Wow... already the end of the first week of the year. Time flies. lol.
Well... I ended the week with $3 left of my grocery money and avoided the machines and things at work. I have decided that I am going to save the money in my savings accounts and then at the end of the year, figure out what to do with all that money that I should have in my account. so one account for grocery money left over and the other for the $10 a week from not spending money at work. balances: $3 and $10
Photo's and recipes from goal 4 will be on my other blog - On the Menu as well as posted to facebook.
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