Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog Challenge... post 1...

I'm not sure if I am supposed to be blogging every day to complete this or not. LOL ... so I 'm going to set a goal of blogging it twice a week... hopefully more but sometimes I get a bit busy and forget about the blogs.

So what I've chosen for my first post topic is....

A Vacation You would Like To Take


I do tend to vacation exactly where I want to... Disneyland... Oregon... Edmonton...

But I do have 3 spots on my list of places I'd like to spend a week.

1. Hawaii ... c'mon... tropical... fresh pineapple... beaches .... the possibility of running into the cast of Hawaii 5-0... ? :)

2.  Jamaica.  have you seen how blue the water is?  It's so pretty and I'd love to visit.


3. Greece. I fell in love with what they showed during the Athen's Summer Olympics. Beautiful water and beaches and a wonderful culture that is so old and worth exploring.

and because a blog isn't a blog without a picture.... :) A picture from my last Disney Vacation...  Carsland...

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