Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Flip Flops.

Yes... that's right. Today... I have flipflops on the brain. LOL

I realize it's been almost forever since I blogged and I will show you why...

Our theme for our work party was beach picnic and I expect to be able to get about 3 blogs out of my baking project for the week. So the idea was flip flops. Today's topic.

These flipflops are made out of Nutter Butter cookies.

And the original idea... while extremely yummy... is extremely messy so I was very happy to have purchased 2 packages of Nutter Butters. Otherwise... I might not have been as successful. Oh yes... I had fun last night dipping 'flipflops' in melted white chocolate chips and dark chocolate chips. But it dawned on me that as I was dipping... they were melting all over me. And that would mean they would be messy.

But aren't they pretty? **rolls eyes** Other than they do actually look like I put the chocolate on them with my fingers... And you can tell that the dark ones were in the fridge - they're 'blooming'... as in they have white spots starting to form on them.

So that is NOT how to make flip flops out of Nutter Butters.

This however.... is....

Take one package of Nutter Butters... melt up some Wilton Candy melts ...

Draw the little straps and put an M&M where the 'strap' would connect with the sole of the flip flop.

Chill for 15 minutes and you're good to go... nice, pretty... NON MESSY... flip flops.

They look lovely on a plate...

Everyone really loved them and I got several compliments on them.

More tomorrow on the baking project this week... if I have all that melted chocolate cleaned up from my kitchen, that is. LOL

And if I can manage to not attempt eating my own flipflops.

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